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For the love of trolls

For the love of trolls

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Torvald the Tenacious

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
Torvald the Tenacious
Torvald the Tenacious
Torvald the Tenacious

The last of the gorgeous trolls/ogres Gerry sent me (thank you Gerr <3), has been dressed. There’s no rhyme or reason as to why this one was last. Just like the others, he has blown me away with the amount of details and character sculpted into him. Such a pleasure to paint from start to finish.

It seems like I am trying out something new with each of them. And with this one, I’ve been using the Scale Artist colors for the first time. I really like them. They will definitely be part of my go to paints. What I don’t like so much about them is storing them. I am gonna build some kind of ‘pull out’ mechanism under my table, much like you had for keyboards in older times. For now they’ve been chucked down a plastic container, hanging of one of my Raskog paint stations.

These are the paints I’ve used:
Skin: Golden Skin + Olive Green, Golden Skin, Golden Skin + Vanilla White, Light Skin + Vanilla White
Pants: Art Black, Art White
Stitches: Dark Brown Ochre, Raw Sienna, Vanilla White
Reds: Crimson, Dark Brown Ochre, Naples Yellow
Leather items: Dark Brown Ochre, Yellow Ochre
Bagpack: Buff, Wood, Earth Green, Art White
Drum: Orange, Naples Yellow, Buff, Art White
Wood: Pearl Grey, Inktense Wood, Pearl Grey

Metals are Scalecolor Black Metal, GWs Nuln Oil, Scalecolors Heavy Metal, GWs Retributor Armor and GWs Reikland Flesh

Torvald the Tenacious
Torvald the Tenacious

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Cult of Games Member

Is that troll from the Alternative armies flintloque range?


It’s a Khaurik guard from cadwallon by rackham

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