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Ollie paints.... Flames of War (Take 2) (Slow Grow League)

Ollie paints.... Flames of War (Take 2) (Slow Grow League)

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Weekend's Progress

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4

After last weekends mass airbrushing session, I decided it was time to focus on some individual units. As the infantry are finished, thought I’d get their taxis done to complete the unit, and as it’s a TD formation, best get one of the M-10 units done as well.
Taking the units to the next stages from the modulation stage in the previous entry, they were given a pin-wash using AK Interactive Dark Brown was for Green Vehicles to provide some definition. Then came the decals so a coat of gloss varnish in the applicable places, and of course always use Micro Sol/Set on decals to get as decent finish. Next, the crew! They had been painted alongside the infantry platoon so they just needed gluing in place. Finally a coat of matt varnish, before a light dusting with VMC Ivory to add some sand effect. Decided not to go full weathering for these (paint chips, scratches etc)… maybe on my D-Day force instead 😉
Turned out quite nicely, my only complaint being that after adding decals,  varnish and dusting, the modulation looks like it’s disappeared and the paint scheme looks a little flat in the pics, although they don’t look quite so “bad” in the flesh
Now to finish the rest…. and then onto the D-Day force!

M3 HalftracksM3 Halftracks
M10 GMCsM10 GMCs
Weekend's Progress

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olliepGazDennis CrossRobert Recent comment authors
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I think they look splendid!

Cult of Games Member

That is a nice looking group of ‘tiny fighting men’!

I like the addition of the sandy color on top of the green.

Your march forward is steady and an example to the rest of us to keep chugging on.


Fantastic looking force buddy, how would you approach the modulation next time to try and better retain the transitions?

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