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REBELS AND REDCOATS-War in the colonies

REBELS AND REDCOATS-War in the colonies

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Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 6
The scenario mapThe scenario map

Next battle to work towards is Princeton where Washington himself takes the field. This will be an interesting battle to work towards as it sees a small British force get attacked by a much larger American one. The Britts need to hold on for 12 turns with out breaking. looking at the map above I’m going to need a river. I’ve reorganized my forces to see what I’m missing. I’m going to need a lot more rebels which gives me a chance to paint up some more colourful units.

Force listForce list
Redcoats. Going to need some foot Dragoons and another unit.Redcoats. Going to need some foot Dragoons and another unit.
The larger Rebel Army. I only have about half I needThe larger Rebel Army. I only have about half I need

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denzienoriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Man, @denzien – I am so sorry I haven’t been keeping up with this project. American Revolution is one of my favorite conflicts. I love Rebecca the Redcoat (seriously, I love her, @gladesrunner might become jealous) – and it looks like you’re about to start Princeton, one my favorites. I won’t spoil how it ends with other readers, I just really wish things had turned out better personally for Hugh Mercer.

I’ll be watching with keen interest!

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