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The Dwarrens

The Dwarrens

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Ponies and Cannons

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 8

Just a little passed two months later, I am done:

20 Axemen
16 Pickaxe Men
3 Berserkers
2 Cannon Teams
2 Ponywagons
2 Generals
1 Hammer Dude
2 Prisoners
Various Terrain

All I have left to show here is the last ponywagon and the second cannon team. And a very special Dwarren Dance

Ponies and Cannons
Random and completely unnecessary information: The ponies have been painted as the ponies my daughter rides at riding school. So they're now named James and Romeo.Random and completely unnecessary information: The ponies have been painted as the ponies my daughter rides at riding school. So they're now named James and Romeo.
Ponies and Cannons
Apart from beard colors, the second team is painted as the first. Makes it easier to mix up.Apart from beard colors, the second team is painted as the first. Makes it easier to mix up.
All the dwarves.All the dwarves.

And just for the hell of it, here’s The Dwarren Dance. With the help of my 12 year old daughter (who’s been extraordinary patient with me spending a lot of time painting – thanks Critter <3), here’s my first stop motion dwarf dance. Never thought I’d ever do such a thing :p

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aurorainbagironshieldburnseyeRobert Recent comment authors
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Well done, you should be proud of your efforts!

Cult of Games Member

Haha, Good work, only hope my dwarves turn out as well once they’re done in the dettol bath.

On a side note can I ask, is the background terrain the maki modular underground Kickstarter?
Still waiting for most of mine to arrive.

Cult of Games Member

My lady your skill is beyond reproach.

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