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Flames of War Germans

Flames of War Germans

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A bit of a risk but I think its paid off

Tutoring 8
Skill 13
Idea 11

Having taken into account some modern concepts of camouflage, shape, shine, shadow, straight lines etc…which were already being used in this period I came up with an idea of camouflage for my armour and vehicles. I should have done another test piece but eager to try it out and to really get a feel of how it will look across the various angles of vehicles I risked a StuG. In the end, I think it has turned out well and will be carrying out the same colour scheme across all my units. This has the same four simple stages used on the skirts.

I am pleased with these flat colours and will now apply an edge highlight to make the tank’s lines stand out a little more before going back in and doing some detail work on the small items, equipment and stowage.

Top armour base colours completed. Drybrush next with Ushabti BoneTop armour base colours completed. Drybrush next with Ushabti Bone

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buggeroffGazStuartolliepRobert Recent comment authors
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Good to see someone painting tanks, that is what I need to do next week, and I’ve no idea what camo to do yet. You’ve done such a good job, they might be hard to find on the table!

Cult of Games Member

I agree, need more tank painting inspiration, like the camo patterns, well done Gaz


Looking good sir

Cult of Games Member

Great job – these look fantastic. The problem with good cammo patterns is that you sometimes forget that they’re on the table. I painted up some Semoventes using the Italian pattern and there were at least a couple of turns in a game where they missed their shooting as I had parked them in cover and they just blended in. Fortunately my opponent missed them as well!

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