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Civs 6mm Adventures - Ancient Germans

Civs 6mm Adventures - Ancient Germans

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Infantry marathon done

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
My infantry warlordMy infantry warlord
Lots of wee men to be basedLots of wee men to be based
The current hordeThe current horde
A closer shot of the boss manA closer shot of the boss man

So the infantry are painted and based (well i have to add some flock but ill do that when i have more bases to do).

Im now doing some more cavalry, ive got two more bases to do which is another 30 models and a cavalry base for my general which is another 15 to paint.

Over the weekend i managed to get 18 standard cav finished so not far from the end now.

Im aimiung for 100 points which is only a quarter of a full force! Dont know how the other guys paint up so many figures without going completely insane.

Im going to be adding some purples in to my general and his unit to pick them out as important and wealthy (im of the understanding that purple was a hard colour to make back then). Its also a colour ive not yet used in my force so again should help pick them out.

Ive started to look at what the next project will be so better crack on before i get too sidetracked. I mean that SPQR game with 28mm looking celts that could easily be mistaken for ancient Germans and which OTT have just put a 25% discount on couldnt possibly interest me….


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Cult of Games Member

Its a great effect when all based together, awesome work!

Cult of Games Member

Lovely work

Cult of Games Member

Great job on the 6mm ancients, @civilcourage . There were a lot of 6mm Ancients, Napoleonics, ACW, and Dark Age at Historicon, i think the scale really helps bring out the scope of those battles, especially wen you build, paint, and base them as well as you haves! 😀

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