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The Road to Falaise Bobs on going 15mm WW2 Adventure

The Road to Falaise Bobs on going 15mm WW2 Adventure

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Background Reading

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As with all my projects I do a lot of background reading , either new research or going back through the Historical or Sic fi library that I have grown over the years. Building the American force, was a new area which in discussion with @oriskany I realised that my knowledge of U.S. forces and their operations post D-day was a bit lacking. I did some background research from wikipedia (see below) but don’t like just using one source (my History degree training coming to the fore) so for background reading for down time in my fortnight hobby holiday (probably in pub) got the following from Amazon.

Background Reading

Read a few of Stev Zalogas Books on Armour and always found them Entertaining. Also picked up this on one of the Battles.

Background Reading

Whilst building the MMG carrieres below, wasnt sure if they had only 3 to a platoon as with the Scout section or 4 so first of all tried FOW Fortress but they were not shown (probably for D-Day British book) , as it happened as part of project I’d dug out below :

Background Reading

Which not only has the history of the Battle but the TOE of all of 7th Armoured units. Although I’m doing 11th Armoured the only main difference between its TOE is that the tank regiments had Shermans in 11th rather than Cromwell’s as the 7th was the only division that use the latter for all its units, Cromwell’s in most armoured division being only used by the Recon Regiments.

For anyone without a historical background it also does a good breakdown of all the equipment used by the division including AT guns, infantry wpns , trucks etc.

Well worth a read if you can get a copy.

They also do one on the opposition and Wittman’unit (for non historical readers Michael Wittman was the top German Tank Ace).



Background Reading

Given how excellent the 7th armoured one was, I ordered it to off Amazon.

Addendum to above 29/7/19

Got a fair way through above book over weekend, goes into background of the Corps, Then gives TOE’s for Wittmans unit including the tactical instructions for Tiger units. What is specially useful for myself is the breakdown of units in the Panzer Lear Division including a brief description of their equipment with nice pictures.

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