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The Road to Falaise Bobs on going 15mm WW2 Adventure

The Road to Falaise Bobs on going 15mm WW2 Adventure

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Well after the brief interlude from the Martian Front, got back to some serious Historical hobby (unless your @warzan) . Now I have the Fortress Europe I realised that even with the 2nd British Platoon finished, I still didn’t have a base level British Infantry company , I need to have a 6 figure co command. Digging through the box of British infantry I managed to find 6 suitable figures and mounted them on some lolly pop sticks.

When I found the the partially finished figures above, they were already based  and just needed flocking so could not got through the initial stages

So they are stuck to the lolly pop sticks with pva, and then base coated them in Zandri Dust. to begin the Khaki shading I put a a coat of Serraphim Sepia , as it was getting near the bottom of the bottle it lay a bit dark in places so, a light brush of Zandri dust to lighten it up to get to stage below, where I will start block colouring wpns etc.

Command waiting for base coloursCommand waiting for base colours

Didn’t do much more on above yet as I break up for a fortnight partly holiday and some hospital time next Friday and wanted to get as much stuff built for then.


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So to support Above built the 3 Bren carriers from the British Starter box, building them as standard other than putting a boyes on one. When I originally started my 15mm project I  had brought 2 packs of MMG carriers and dug them out, Although not bad models the plastic ones are superior but waste not want not, built them but used the plastic vickers from the Starter set on all but one , and found a apptly dramatic firing group from the plastic soldier bren box.

MMG's one with PSC crew far rightMMG's one with PSC crew far right

I then built all the M3 Halftracks for my U.S. Armoured Platoon, and my two Priests.

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Finally partly as a command group, but also for my Kelly’s Heroes build, built two Jeeps and a T30, the latte is being used as currently could not find the 105mm version the T19

I Also built the 3rd Sherman for Oddballs troop, suitably converting the 75mm turret using various bits , and added stowage, just need to scratch build another loudspeaker to finish her off.

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Awaiting load speaker and a bit more stowage.Awaiting load speaker and a bit more stowage.

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bobcockayneoriskanyGazRobert Recent comment authors
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Impressive amount of work! You also got you Tamiya glue at a bargain, last bottle I bought was £3.99!


Strong work buddy, really great to see all those units built buddy

Cult of Games Member

More great work, @bobcockayne – interesting how you’re keeping the American 90mm in the M10s and the 105mm in the Priests. Many of these vehicles in British service were converted to the 17 pounder (Achilles) and the 25-pounder (Sextant) – although certainly not all.

Or are these units still for your American force? With the Universal carriers I get confused.

I guess you’re building both British and American?

Great work! Although for your Kelly’s Heroes force, please don’t forget to build a P-47 Thunderbolt to BLOW HALF OF IT UP! 🙁 🙁 🙁

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