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Carcharodons by Mage updated 16/08/19

Carcharodons by Mage updated 16/08/19

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Entry 6: Highlighting and the Librarian

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2

I completed this guy a while back and never got around to updating this post.


I kind of threw in the towel and scrapped the white. As you can see it is a light greyish colour now and I’m much happier with it even though it does not look as great as it should if I just did this in the first place


Lessons have been learned and the robe now ties nicely into the power armour of the standard marines in the army.

Entry 6: Highlighting and the Librarian
Entry 6: Highlighting and the Librarian
Entry 6: Highlighting and the Librarian
Entry 6: Highlighting and the Librarian

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mageLancorz Recent comment authors
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I thought the white looked good actually, the gray works but I was hoping you’d stick to your guns and risk the white 😛

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