Flames of War Germans
Test model for my artillery crews
Hey, guys so tonight I managed to get away from work reasonable and I am happy to say I was in the mood to paint. Stuck on Netflix got the 8.8 AA Guns and crews out and settled on painting one of the crew as a tester.
To get me started I pulled out the Colours of War book. Really like this one and so pleased with the information, quality and great value for money it is. I recommend anyone doing any scale of WW2 to grab this and enjoy it.
Having gone to the German section I used the picture image of the German infantryman to settle on my colours. I only have citadel but between the picture and the Citadel paint app, I made some choices.
I am going to break this down into parts of the model and list the colours used.
First things first, the model was sprayed and zenithed with Citadel black the white spray.
Skin – Bugman’s Glow – Reikland Fleshshade – Cadian Fleshtone – Kislev Flesh
Eyes – White Scar – Abaddon Black
Helmet – Castellan Green – Nuln Oil – Castellan Green again.
Webbing/Belt – Abaddon Black – Eshin Grey – Administratum Grey
Uniform – Mechanicus Standard Grey – Nuln Oil – Mechanicus Standard Grey with a small amount of White Scar added.
Boots – Mournfang Brown – Agrax Earthshade – Skrag Brown
Shell – Auric Armour Gold – Reikland Fleshshade – Shell body
– Abaddon Black – Eshin Grey – Shell tip
Epaulette Edging – Mephiston Red
The first pic I thought I would add just for something some people might find useful. I blu-tac my minis to a cake stand and then spray and spin allowing me to achieve good coverage without too much messing about or wasting spray keep changing in and out models.
So having done all the above pictures showing most of the stages of paint application I then put the miniature into a light booth I picked up a week ago. Really found this helps show the details which are often lost due to lighting. The camera for the photos is the same phone camera for all pictures throughout but is now mounted on a little tripod for extra stability.
Really happy with how he has come out and looking forward to cracking on with the rest of the gun crew members over the weekend. Any questions about anything please just post in the comments or PM me and I will do my best to answer. Happy hobbying everyone!
Hopefully I will get something similar up at the weekend – apart from Abaddon Black, every paint I used was actually from Vallejo. You are a braver man than me for even thinking about painting the eyes, I hardly even do it on 28mm models! I do like the cake thing as well, and I bet it was much cheaper than the actual airbrush spinny things I bought from Tamiya.
@robert Cake spinner was £2.99 off eBay 🙂
Cheers for the comment buddy. Keep trucking the first week is done and plenty for us both to be getting on with 🙂
I could have got a couple of tanks with the difference in price 🙁 Keep on going, buddy!
gaz you’re a painting machine, grwat work looking for to seeing this whole project progress
@buggeroff cheers for the comment buddy. I try my best, thanks for the support 🙂
They look great.Ive never bothered with it myself but does the zenith make a difference in 15mm. I’d be concerned about the primer coat(s) being too thick
@torros thank you buddy. I would say for the skin it doesn’t make a difference as I am using a base paint, even though I have thinned it with water. In the grey of the uniform I do believe it helped to retain the colour difference through the base colours and the wash allowing me to easily identify the areas to highlight. I agree with the idea primers can remove detail especially the Halfords and non-miniature related company ones. That’s because they really aren’t for such small things. I guess that’s why I stay with the citadel sprays as they… Read more »