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Night Lords by Mage updated 29/10/19 Forgefiend Update

Night Lords by Mage updated 29/10/19 Forgefiend Update

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Entry 10: Pale Nightlord Skin Tutorial Part 2

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 3
No Comments

I am still working out the kinks in the first post with the upside down photos. Also I felt that it was getting a little too long for a single post as a tutorial.


Punctuation is important on a plog and this year I decided to do one more focussed as a tutorial since I did not do one last year and got few recommendations for Tutoring if any in the two I did.


Additionally this post marks my first deviation from the GW tutorial.


Below, I did a thin hilight of Pallid Wych Flesh. A second coat may be needed depending on how it looks, transparency, and how you yourself use water/medium.

Entry 10: Pale Nightlord Skin Tutorial Part 2
Entry 10: Pale Nightlord Skin Tutorial Part 2
Entry 10: Pale Nightlord Skin Tutorial Part 2

At this stage, bare in mind I had paid little attention to the original models in pictures and box art, I noticed there was a scarred Chaos star symbol on the sergeant’s head. I came back to this with a second thin coat. I have to say I am quite impressed with that detail and it came up nicely.

Entry 10: Pale Nightlord Skin Tutorial Part 2

In Conclusion:


Disclaimer: I do not own White Scar paint and have not done this step. I will return and do it, but only conservatively on the most pronounced parts of the heads and faces


I’m liking this skin tone and am very happy with the results. This recipe could also be used for:


  • Raven Guard
  • Void born humans
  • Delaque Gangers
  • Afriel Strain Guardsmen
  • Mutants
  • Daemonettes
  • Zombies
  • Albino
  • Azog / Goblin town goblins from the Hobbit
  • Cyborgs
  • Servitor
  • Ghouls
  • Vampires
  • Possessed Creatures
  • Carcharodons Space Marines
  • Legion of Evervlight from Hordes

… to name but a few!


Time to break out the Leadbelcher paint. I’ll be back with an update tomorrow:


Also please comment and leave feedback! ???


Entry 10: Pale Nightlord Skin Tutorial Part 2

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