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Night Lords by Mage updated 29/10/19 Forgefiend Update

Night Lords by Mage updated 29/10/19 Forgefiend Update

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Entry 9: Basecoating

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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A quick update before bed. I have started basecoating. Everything will get two thin coats by the look of it. I’m breaking the models into stages as some have more skin, horns, daemon bits and metal compared to others.


I have have started on the Chaos Marine squad, one Greater Possessed and the Master of Possession. Once these all get their basecoats done I will work on each indivodual unit at a time. I find once basecoats are complete then washed, details and edge highlighting can be hard for me to do in batches as they require a different category of brush control, technique, focus and attention span.


For instance with an ineividual character model there are usually more textures, surface areas and details to do compared to say, basic infantry. It’s a different pace, speed and beast altogether and hard to change gears in my brain with the discipline and momentum I build.


Likewise the Possessed have more horns and skin compared to Chaos Marines while the Obliterators are bigger again.


The most important thing you can take away from this insight is do what works for you and makes you happy so you can keep moving along, in a fun way, with the project. Turning it into a grind ‘because this is the way you are supposed to do it’ will affect your morale and enthusiasm for what your working on, as well as the quality of your work.


Find your own path: the journey is more important than the destination in some ways.

Entry 9: Basecoating
Entry 9: Basecoating
Entry 9: Basecoating

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