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Civs 6mm Adventures - Ancient Germans

Civs 6mm Adventures - Ancient Germans

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First batch complete

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
First batch finishedFirst batch finished

So i finished the remaining bases over the weekend.

Pretty pleased with how these have turned out, ive learnt quite a bit on how to approach this scale as well so when the next order comes in, fingers crossed it should be quicker.

A few people have said they werent keen on the static grass and prefer flock but looking at the examples and the effect ive decided to stay with the static grass as it looks a bit more scrub like at this scale.

Im lookign to get up to 100 points which is made up of the following:

  • Cavalry commander
  • 10 warband elements
  • 8 skirmisher elements
  • 5 cavalry elements

Ive still got 7 bases of infantry to go, 2 skirmisher bases and 4 cavalry bases. It looks like i’ll be painting lots of warband models over the coming months!



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civilcouragePetetorrosphaidknottRobert Recent comment authors
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Like I said last time, it looks very good! The static grass adds a lovely contrast to the mud, and I would even say that it could also tell a little story – your skirmishers look like they have been lying in the scrub, hiding and waiting for the enemy and have now jumped up ready to attack and disrupt the enemy.

Cult of Games Member

Great job, so only thing I would suggest is painting the brown areas of the bases either a lighter brown or preferably green to match the static grass. When painting these little figures it’s not like doing 28mm (where this basing scheme would work well). The more intricate the basing scheme, the more you take the eyes away from the figures (which should be the focus). The static grass works great, as you said looks like heathland/scrub (this was before the age of the lawnmower after all 🙂 Give a similar green a go on one base and see what… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

Agree with @phaidknott The brown could with a very light drybrush just to lift the figures a bit

Cult of Games Member

I’ve made the pictures bigger and I can see they are drybrushed. Think it’s enough as well


The more 6mm armies I see the more I like the idea of it.

These have come out beautifully!

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