80th Anniversary Wargame Video - Iwo Jima (Elessar2590 vs. Oriskany)
Dear God, It's Started.
Turn One is complete. It took about 90 minutes. Nineteen turns to go. So far there are few surprises.
The landings are chaos.
DD tanks are sinking.
German AT guns are murdering all the American Shermans with dozer blades.
Engineers cannot push inland to blow holes in beach obstacles or the sea wall shingle.
The Americans at Dog Green and Dog White have been all but shattered, with “A” Co / 116th all but annihilated in the opening fire phase.
But some armor has made it onto the beach. And air power has knocked out at least one infantry gun and pinned German MG-42 bunkers in Wiederstandnester 71 (the exact bunker complex that butchered Captain Miller’s company at the Vierville Draw).
Meanwhile, German artillery (8.0 cm mortars, 15.0 cm mortars, 10.5 cm howitzers, and even one battery of 15.0 cm howitzers) has positively mauled American landing points at Dog Green and Easy Red (16th RCT, 1st Infantry Division).
So as horrible as things are, some parts of the American landings are actually going slightly better than historically, while others are going much worse.

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