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The Sylvaneth of Springash - army log

The Sylvaneth of Springash - army log

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First post! Progress so far

Tutoring 4
Skill 14
Idea 10

I’ve always loved the Sylvaneth range, and the recent Looncurse box finally sucked me in and made me commit to a Warhammer army.  In the past I’ve always stuck to skirmish games, and had the idea that I’d struggle with painting a larger army.  It’s going well so far though, and I’m enjoying a simpler and quicker approach to painting.  Hopefully the process of writing this log will keep me motivated!

Here’s the progress so far:


A Branchwych I picked up cheap, to test my paint scheme ideas on.  It worked out pretty well, with some minor tweaksA Branchwych I picked up cheap, to test my paint scheme ideas on. It worked out pretty well, with some minor tweaks
One of three Kurnoth Hunters.  Again, quite pleased with the colour scheme and enjoyed painting mostly with washes and shades.One of three Kurnoth Hunters. Again, quite pleased with the colour scheme and enjoyed painting mostly with washes and shades.

The Arch-Revenant felt a bit too noble and goody-two-shoes for my liking.  I’m gravitating more to the wilder aspects of the Sylvaneth, and later in the growth of my army my lynchpin character will be Drycha.  Bearing that in mind, I made some changes to the Arch-Revenant, and have renamed her the Arch-Malevolent.  Quite pleased with the result, given the simplicity of the conversion, and will be going all-out when painting her.

Work in progress shots of my first unit of Tree-Revenants.  I’ll be using Spite-Rev heads on all my Tree-Revs.  Really happy with the skin colour – it was easy to do and will be simple to paint with more layers of highlights and shading on characters etc.

That’s it so far.  The Tree-Revs will hopefully be finished soon, and the next on the table will either be the second unit of Revs, or the Arch-Malevolent.  I’ve got a Start Collecting box coming my way, ready for when they’re finished.


Next post will include some fluff I wrote to get me into the feel of my army.

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Christian Woodwardangelicdespot Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

These look beautiful!

Would you mind saying a bit more about your painting? Which colours used, any particular techniques, etc?

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