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Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

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Omaha Map Complete - American Forces Built and Set Up

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8

The Omaha Beach Panzer Leader mega-game continues to come together.  The overall map is now complete (2500+ hexes, 24 square miles, or almost 63 square kilometers, estimated 2800 Flames of War tables).

American landings are researched and set up to pretty precise to the historical plan, we’ll see what the current, tides, beach obstacles, and enemy fire do to it.

Now I just have to set up the Germans.

The project is temporarily paused, however, to facilitate construction of a Valor & Victory Vietnam game for Saturday.

The full map, now with trees, hedgerows, and a beach shingle.  The full map, now with trees, hedgerows, and a beach shingle.
American landing research for 116th Regimental Combat Team (29th US Infantry).  not only do we have to account for all these units and when and where they are scheduled to land, but also their size,composition, and equipment.American landing research for 116th Regimental Combat Team (29th US Infantry). not only do we have to account for all these units and when and where they are scheduled to land, but also their size,composition, and equipment.
Same with the 16th Regimental Combat Team (US 1st Infantry Division), followed by the 18th RCT that lands behind them mid-morning.  Same with the 16th Regimental Combat Team (US 1st Infantry Division), followed by the 18th RCT that lands behind them mid-morning.
Converted to Panzer Leader and set up on a color-coded phased turn landing schedule.  Each color is a different turn of the game (20 turns in all, I think) and has a designated beach assault sector  Every piece is a platoon of 5 tanks or 50 men, or a battery of 4-6 guns.  Clearly this game is going to be ridiculously gigantic.  This doesn't include air support or offshore naval gunfire support.  Fortunately, the Germans are far less numerous.Converted to Panzer Leader and set up on a color-coded phased turn landing schedule. Each color is a different turn of the game (20 turns in all, I think) and has a designated beach assault sector Every piece is a platoon of 5 tanks or 50 men, or a battery of 4-6 guns. Clearly this game is going to be ridiculously gigantic. This doesn't include air support or offshore naval gunfire support. Fortunately, the Germans are far less numerous.

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Cult of Games Member

Really visual representation of the landings. The first thing that strikes me is that even given the trickle of specialist troops, the waves of infantry are 30mins apart. Plenty of time for defenders to deplete the attacking strength and replenish if required.

Not so bad if you have tank support but we all know what happened that morning.

Looking forward to seeing the German defensive positions, as I’ve already been looking at the map and picking out where I’d set up strong points.

Cult of Games Member

Fun to watch it come together.

Nice work!

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