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75th Anniversary of Battle of Monte Cassino and Northern Italy (Army Build)

75th Anniversary of Battle of Monte Cassino and Northern Italy (Army Build)

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A Company of Churchills

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 4

With my batch job of German tanks completed, it’s time to turn back to the Allies and give them some more punch. My tank force is centred around the North Irish Horse and while they had Sherman tanks toward the latter part of the war, they started with a lot of Churchill tanks. So to represent this and to provide some variety, I’ve got 15 tanks and 19 turrets. This will allow me to field the 6pdr Churchill III, the Churchill CS V fitted with the howitzer, the Churchill NA75 (with the 75mm gun) and the hugely up armoured Churchill VII.

While I’m painting the Churchills, I have also added 6 Universal Carriers, three of which are fitted with a .50 Cal.

All the hulls of the Churchills including 3 metal Churchill VIIAll the hulls of the Churchills including 3 metal Churchill VII
All ready for priming and base coatingAll ready for priming and base coating

I’ll see how quickly I can get this lot painted up.

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StuartoriskanyRobert Recent comment authors
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I had two great uncles serve in the North Irish Horse, they served together but one was on my mum’s side and the other on my dad’s side. Very interested to see what you do with these as I plan at some stage to do a force based on the North Irish Horse, but haven’t decided scale, ruleset etc. Good luck!

Cult of Games Member

More great work, @redvers – and damn, that’s a lot of heavy armor! I am glad to see you have at least two support (CS) Churchills in there with the assault howitzers (??) Unless those are AVREs with the demolition mortar? I can’t really tell in the photos. But you definitely need some non-tank killing firepower to deal with German fallshirmjaeger dug into the ruins. Any plans for Sextants / Priests? Or are those already in your force / handled via off-board artillery support?

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