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Civs 6mm Adventures - Ancient Germans

Civs 6mm Adventures - Ancient Germans

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A few bases finished

Tutoring 1
Skill 8
Idea 4
A few bases downA few bases down

These are the latest batch to get finished, you’ll see ive added some highlights on these guys compared to the ones just off to the left, i think it really makes them pop on the table so i’m going to be doing tat to all my troops now. Fortunately the ancient world was a colourful age so i can get very creative with bright vibrant colours to make the little guys stand out on the table top.

Once i have painted them all i need to get onto the basing, ive still not decided how many men to put on each base, i want to make the bases look busy but not as regimented as any Romans regiment would be. Some testing will be required.

Once ive made my mind up i’ll be using the superglue and bicarb approach to texture the bases and get them painted. Im using metal bases to give the figures weight so i think PVA and sand is out on these guys.

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Cult of Games Member

@civilcourage I love the colors across the rank of shields! 😀

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