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Civs 6mm Adventures - Ancient Germans

Civs 6mm Adventures - Ancient Germans

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The painting begins and its great fun!

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6

So here’s the first ‘batch’ of my barbarian horde. I thought i would struggle with this scale as there is not much in the way of detail (you simply couldnt see it at this scale!).

However a lack of detail is proving to be very refreshing, painting what you expect to see rather than what is actually there is so different from the usual 28mm painting approach i often take. For example no hand is sculpted on this model but i would expect one to be on the spear shaft so lets paint that bit a flesh colour, step back a pace, i can now see a hand on the spear.

Im also enjoying the vibrant colours, at 6mm i feel you have to go bright and blackline things to really make the detail stick out. Originally i only gave the shields one layer of paint but on my last few strips i highlighted the shields up and added some more extremem highlights on the trousers, hair etc and it makes such a difference.


The only downside is i have to paint up about 10 bases worth (so around 36 models per base) which is a lot of little men!


I have at this point run out of infantry to paint so im ont the skirmishers and cavalry but fear not, i have put in an order for another two packs of infantry so another 192 troops to swell the horde (luckily it doesnt take long to paint these guys!)

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Cult of Games Member

They look fantastic

Cult of Games Member

@civilcourage I’m having second thoughts about the bicarb idea as I think the bases on the Baccus figures might to too large to give them the look of blending into the base


Really interesting point about painting in the details. They look fantastic!

Cult of Games Member

@pete with 6mm I find if you paint the main areas in bright colours( In this case the shields and @civilcourage has done s superb job on them) everything comes together really quickly as in this scale the eye will always be drawn to the largest brightest area

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