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Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

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Counters Complete - Map Finalized - Special Rules Posted

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Okay, we’re all set.  Game starts in 1 hour (minus).  😀



  • Coastal hexes are designated either SEA hexes or BEACH hexes by the color of the hex beneath their central dot.
  • At the end of movement, during the turn BEFORE they are scheduled to land (or in the initial set up for first wave units), British units are placed in a SEA hex adjacent to their planned beach landing hex.
  • Germans may then fire at them during their subsequent turn.
  • RULE SHORTCUT: Unlike “official” Amphibious Landings rules in Panzer Leader, where landing British units are inverted (so Germans cannot see which boats carry which units) – here we will roll a d6.  On a 1-2, the German attack hits the intended target.  3-4, the attack hits the “next unit to the left.”  On a 5-6, the attack hits the “next unit to the right.”
  • As per Panzer Leader XI.D.3, all units except DD tanks are assumed to have an armored DF of 8. DD Shermans get normal DF, Germans must add +2 DRM to DF attacks (obscured target).
  • Landing takes place FIRST during the movement phase of the subsequent British turn.
  • DD tanks make a d6 roll. On a 1-5, they land normally. On a 6, they sink and are removed.
  • All units (including surviving DD tank units) must also make a landing placement roll. Once the British player indicates which hex the unit INTENDED to land, roll a d6.
  • 1-2 = unit lands normally.
  • 3 = unit lands one hex to the west.
  • 4 -5 = unit lands one hex to the east.
  • 6 = unit lands two hexes to the east.
  • Any unit that hits a block counter while trying to land is destroyed.
  • Getting onto the beach hex is that unit’s whole movement.
  • Exception: DD Tanks can land and hove half their movement.
  • Any units that are CARRIED (towed guns, etc) must debark loaded in their carrier vehicle.
  • Non-DD tank units cannot move half once they land (unloaded from LCTs, etc).
  • Units scheduled to land on a given turn MUST land on that turn. They cannot “wait” until the beach opens up.
  • Any hex that winds up “overstacked” (3 units to a hex) must IMMEDIATELY “lose” a unit per overstacking rules. This takes place BEFORE previously landed units move out of the hex.
  • Once all units land on a given turn, units that were already landed in previous turns can now move normally.
  • German units taking opportunity fire do not have to make the “shortcut randomizer” roll mentioned above if they shoot at units as they land (using normal unit DFs and target classes).


  • All Beach hexes cost vehicles double movement.
  • Entering a hex where the unit climbs one elevation level costs double movement (infantry included).
  • Climbing a bluff hex off a beach hex costs 4 vehicle movement, 2 infantry movement, 6 truck movement. Churchill Bobbin Funnies can lay a carpet in these hexes to make it “clear.”
  • Stream: This is a shallow stream. Costs infantry 2 MP to enter.  Costs vehicles 4MP to enter, trucks 6MP to enter.  Stream does not block LOS.  Stream gives +1 DRM.  Road negates stream.  Churchill Bridgelayers can bridge the stream.


  • Trench rules: Normal. Cannot be crossed at all by any vehicle. No effect on infantry.  Can be bridged by Churchill Bridgelayers.
  • Mines: Normal. Can be removed by flail tanks per AIW rules. Can be removed by Combat or Construction engineers which move onto the mine hex and roll a 1-2 on 1d6.
  • Blocks: No effect on LANDED infantry. Sinks any landing unit that drifts into them. No vehicle can enter a block hex.  Can be removed by LANDED  engineers who move into the hex and roll a 1-2 on 1d6.  Can also be removed by Churchill AVRE that is adjacent to it and declares an attack (BOOM).  Removed blocks no longer blow up landing units in subsequent waves.
  • Churchill Bridgelayers can lay three bridges. Normal AIR Bridgelaying rules.
  • Churchill Bobbins can lay three “roads.” Renders beach hexes and beach bluff hexes normal for movement purposes.


  • British get 50 points of (H) class INDIRECT naval gunfire support on every ODD turn.
  • This can be split up into two attacks if desired (20/20, 30/10, 35/5, etc).
  • Must be within LOS of the north side of the table (any beach or bluff hex)
  • Can also be called in by any non-dispersed, unloaded combat unit (not trucks).
  • On a 1-4 it lands as targeted. On a 5-6 the shellfire drifts one hex (1d6).
The finalized map.  Now includes unit deployment areas, force labels, and morale levels, and full  German deployment.  The finalized map. Now includes unit deployment areas, force labels, and morale levels, and full German deployment. "Open in New Tab" for full resolution.
Research on the composition of the German 352nd Wehrmacht Infantry.  This division would face both the British at the very west end of Gold, and the Americans at Omaha.  Definitely the best German unit in action on the first day.Research on the composition of the German 352nd Wehrmacht Infantry. This division would face both the British at the very west end of Gold, and the Americans at Omaha. Definitely the best German unit in action on the first day.

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