Kings of War Empire of Dust Army Build
Dusting the bases
So one of the lads asked about how I got on with dusting my bases for a desert effect and I said I would add it into the project.
For this example I have just used a spare movements tray.
I have a regiment size brush, two different pigment products AK and MIG both of which are North Africa dust but different in colouration as you will see in the photos.
The MIG is more of an orange and the AK a pale cream.
The resin bases I purchased from Base X War come with various small features on them and are textured where the sandy elements are. I would advise texturing the base before applying a pigment to better break up the surface and give you more structure for the pigment to hold on to.
I painted the sand Ushabti Bone (GW) to give a complementary tone. On the edges of the example movement base I just applied it over the original colour scheme so you can see the effect.
The MIG (orange) I tend to use in contrast for shadows under the mini if it is sandy there and for around the smaller features too. It is also good if you want to highlight any disturbances of the sand, as if the top layer has been scuffed, kicked or anan object moved, leaving a slightly different shade.
Application: with a dry brush I dab as much or as little as I want in the area. I don’t load too much on the brush as it is easier to add more than remove some.
Once I have it in the place I wish I use a second brush and dip it into the enamel thinner. I then dab the thinner on the dusted areas I wish the pigment to bond to. At this point you can also use this brush to move the pigment around a bit if you want, or remove excess too.
Then you just wait for it to dry to see the final effect. A little goes a long way so I would advise some practice first on a spare base or terrain feature.
Hope this helps.
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