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40K Saga (Age of Plasma) - All Factions Done

40K Saga (Age of Plasma) - All Factions Done

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Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 4

Here's the First Draft for the Force of DA ORKS!!!!


Armour 5 (5)

Aggression 8.

Oi Come Here Ya Grot-Luvva: An Ork Warlord may use his Bodyguard Rule to remove Warriors in the same way as Hearthguard but must remove two Warriors for each Point of Damage Negated. The Warrior Unit then Takes a point of Fatigue.

Hearth Guard: Nobz.

With the Following Changes:

Armour 5 (5)

Must Choose One Weapon.

Close Combat (Choppas and Sluggas): Aggression 3 (0)

Ranged (Shoota Nobz): Aggression 2 (3) but Reduces Armour to 5 (4).

WEAPON: Range L. Gain the Un-Orky Special Rule.

Un-Orky: Many Ork’s see the use of Ranged Weapons as Downright Un-Orky and they let each other know how they feel. A Unit with the Un-Orky Special Rule charged by another unit due to animosity inflicts a -1 on the Animosity Test.

Enhanced Melee (Suppa Choopa an’ Klaw Nobz): Aggression 5 (0) but Reduces Armour to 4 (3).

Warriors: Boys.

Armour 4 (4)

Choose One.

Close Combat (Choppas and Sluggas): Aggression 1 (½)

Ranged (Shootas): Aggression 1 (2) but Reduces Armour to 3 (3).

WEAPON: Range L. Gain the Un-Orky Special Rule.

Levy: Grotz

Armour 3 (3) – Aggression ½ (½)

WEAPON: Range S.

Not-Orky: Not-Orky Units do not take Animosity Tests and Simply Become Exhausted. In Addition Not Orky Units do not block units from firing at an enemy, all failed hits, except for 1’s, will be resolved against the Grotz instead.

Dat woz before me Waaagh! got 'ere. Now, we is da wuns doin' da 'sterminating! - Gorgutz



Ork Battle Boards have a WAAAGH!!!! Box that effects the Battle Boards Abilities.

Each Time an Ork Unit Generates a WAAAGH!!!! Token add it to the pool.

If at the Start of the Ork Turn any of the Following is True discard all WAAAGH!!!! tokens.

:The Warlord would be Exhausted
:Half the Combined Warriors and Hearthguard would be Exhausted

ANIMOSITY: Ork Warbands do not tire or falter, they might forget exactly who to thump but if they get all turned around they’ll just give the nearest thing a try.

Any Ork Warlord, Warrior or Hearthguard that starts the Turn Exhausted must make a range M move in a direction chosen by the opponent. If this move brings them into contact with any Unit Roll on the Chart. The Opponent Must Declare How Much Fatigue a Unit will Spend before any Dice are Rolled and at Least One Fatigue must be Removed. Orks may otherwise Rest as Normal.

1: Oi Datz My Shiny Choppa Ya Theevin’ Gitz, Get Em Boyz. The Unit that was Charged Suffers One Hit for Each point of Fatigue removed from the Charging Unit. Roll Defence as Normal for a Close Combat Attack.

2-5: Oi Boss Is Dey Komin’ Right Fur Uz? The unit gains half as much fatigue as the Charging Unit Discards. The Controlling Player can then Move the Unit that was Charged S.

6: WAAAGH, Git Em Boyz: The Unit Gains Attack Dice Equal to the Amount of Fatigue Used but the Unit may not gain any additional dice in any form this turn.

We don't fight fer food, or fer teef, or guns, or cos we's told to fight. We fight cos we woz born to fight. And win. - Grukk, Ork Boy


No One has Ever Accused the Orks of Being Militarily Flexible but Then Again If you can just Smash Em in Da Face do you really need to know anything else?

Smash Em in Da Face: (1-3, 4-5 or 6)

Gain Attack Dice Equal to Your WAAAGH!!!! Pool.
Add Two Dice to the WAAAGH!!!! Pool.

If a 6 is Used do both. (Gain Attack Dice THEN Add Dice to the Pool).

If You Ask an Ork, Grot Luvvin’ is a Good Enough Reason for a Fight

Cop This Ya Grot Luvvas: (1-3 or 4-5)

Gain Two Attack Dice
Lose One Fatigue.

More is More , so Sayeth the Mightiest Scholars of the Brainiest Orks

Dakka Dakka Dakka: (1-3 and 4-5)

Choose an enemy Unit. The Chosen Unit takes hits equal to the WAAAGH!!!! Pool. Roll Defence as Normal against Shooting.

Discard Half the WAAAGH!!!! Pool.

Orks are Quite Self Confident and Tend to believe they’re the Best, seeing as what an Ork Believes comes to be the Rest of the Galaxy is in Trouble

We’re da best!: (1-3 or 4-5)

Select an Enemy Unit. The Enemy Unit counts as having one more fatigue than normal in close combat for that turn.

Can’t Beat a Good Choppa, from the Lowest Boy to the Mightiest Warboss Choppa’s always find a Home in Ork Kit

Choppa’s is Da Best: (1-3 and 6)

Re-Roll Attack Dice or Force your enemy to re-roll his own attack dice or a combination of the two, up to your current WAAAGH!!!! Pool.
After Resolving the melee discard dice from the WAAAGH!!!! Pool equal to the total number of re-rolls used.

Some Orks Actually take a Break in Combat and “Try ta Figure out Wotz Goin’ On”

Oi Stop Dat and Get Back in Da Fight: (1-3 or 4-5)

Select a Friendly Unit and activate it for a Free Rest Action.

Gain Two WAAAGH!!!! Tokens

Gork (or Maybe Mork) Turns the Muscles of the orks to Steel and Allows them to Either “Smash der ‘Eads in evun gooda” or take Mortal Wounds without flinching.

Fist or Gork (or Mork): (6)
Spend 1-4 WAAAGH!!! Tokens
Choose One

For Each Token Spend Inflict and Extra Hit (1 per 2 spent if the friendly unit is Levy)


Cancel a Casualty suffered by your Unit.

It’s Rare that a Situation Cannot be Overcome with the Simple Addition of “MOAR DAKKA”

More Dakka Ya Slugz!: (1-3)
Spend 1-6 WAAAGH!!!! Tokens

Activate that many friendly units to move. They count as armed with javelins during tis activation (anyone without a Ranged Aggression Value uses the default for their class found in the main rule book).

These Actions do not Generate Fatigue.

The Mightiest of Ork Warlords can Summon the Power of a WAAAGH!!!! and Charge into Battle with the Ork War Cry, Orks Shrug Off Wounds that Would Kill them any other Time and “Get Stuck In Boss”

WAAAGH!!!!: (6+6)
Spend 6 WAAAGH!!!! Tokens

Until the Start of your next turn, all your units have an Armour of 6 against Melee and Shooting Attacks, and you gain Immediately (before resolving any part of the action) gain One WAAAGH!!!! Token for each Battle Board Ability you trigger (not including basic activation’s or combat bonus).

Wot's faster than a warbuggy, more killy than a warbike, and flies through da air like a bird? I got no bleedin' idea, but I'm gonna find out. - Kog da Flymek, pioneer of the Dethkopta

Special Units

Mega Nob – Saga Dice 1

Armour 5 (5)

Aggression 8

Imposing Presence, Slow, Resilience (2), Loyal, Wun ov Da Bossus Favrits!.

Wun ov Da Bossus Favrits!: When a Mega Nob Charges or Makes a Melee Attack Add One Token to the WAAAGH!!!! Pool. Additionally when the Mega Nob uses an enemy Unit’s Fatigue Marker in Melee, increase the Mega Nobz Armour by 1 in Addition to other effects.

Burna Boyz – 1 Point


Armour 4 (4)

Aggression 1 (4)

Weapon with Range S

Special Rule: Custum Flamurz: Burna Boyz may choose to swap their Aggression Values at any point in the Turn. Eg. 3 (1) becomes 1 (3) or Vice Versa

Bit Touched: Burna Boyz Treat Rolls of 1 or 2 on the Animosity Table as a 1 and Treat Rolls of 5-6 as a 6. The Controlling Player Can Choose to Spend an Additional Fatigue before the Animosity Test is Taken if any more Fatigue is available.

Flash Gitz – Creature
with the Following Changes
Aggression 1 (5)

Gains the Flash Git Rule, Has a Weapon with Range 2xL but targets over L count as being in solid cover.

Flash Git: Flash Gitz may choose to Gain a Fatigue and add D3 Dice to their pool. If a 6 is rolled gain Two Fatigue.

Ubuv All Dat: Flash Gitz take different Animosity Tests. Instead of the normal rules when a Flash Git takes an Animosity Test they simply fire at the nearest unit Friend or Foe and lose a fatigue. The Opposing Player can spend a Fatigue to make it the closest Ork Unit and Discard all the Fatigue to Choose the Target of the Attack (within Range).

Stormboyz – Hearthguard

Armour 4 (4)

Aggression 3 (0)

Jump Pack: May Make a Range L Move Once Per Turn, This Move Ignores all Terrain. Gain One Fatigue. This Still Requires an Activation and Only Replaces a Move it Does Not Grant a Free Move.

Kommandos – Hearth Guard

Armour 4 (4)

Aggression 3 (0)


Sneaky Gitz: Rather than being Deployed as Normal Keep the Kommandos to One side, they can deployed within a piece of terrain that is at least partially within M of a Friendly Unit. They can Activate as Normal on the turn in which they are revealed but cannot use or be effected by any friendly Battle Board Abilities.

The only good 'ooman is a dead 'ooman. An' da only fing better than a dead 'ooman'z a dyin' 'ooman who tell you where ter find 'is mates. - Morglum Necksnapper

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Cult of Games Member

Looks good. I was wondering if the Orcs need splitting up into clans so the Bad Moons on there battle board are more shooty etc

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