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Starting Legio Astorum for Adeptus Titanicus

Starting Legio Astorum for Adeptus Titanicus

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Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 3

With the plan to be playing at the Hammer n Ales club. I started with the Titan Battlegroup. At this moment i still need to think about which rule set to get but that will need to what until after UK games expo, or will be made there! 😉

At the moment I am thinking of just getting the rule set on it own. while the grand master set is nice it is unlikely that I will need the building.

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utherdracusFithgodsmote Recent comment authors
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I wouldn’t bother with the Grand Master edition, just pick the things you want up separately. I’m planning to get into AT soon, glad I held off on getting the GM edition when it came out.

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