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Fantasy Game

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Dice Mechanic Part 1

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Currently covered creating the spell we want and that there is a mechanic as to whether the creation/casting is successful or not.

so what’s that Mechanic?

Needs to cover the level of the Mage and how difficult the spell is.

Let’s start with to successfully cast a spell is 2+ on a D10 + spell resource cost/3 (round down) – Mage Level.  Roll of 1 is always a fail roll of 10 always successful.

I like the intent of this but since it modifying the dice result by cost of spell / 3.  This makes the maths more complicated.  Is there a better way?

This mechanic adds a speed bump in to the game, you have to work out what you needed for a successfully case spell .  Also using this:

Level 1 Mage casting a 10 cost spell has a 70% success rate

Level 2 Mage casting a 20 cost spell has a 50% success rate

Level 3 Mage casting a 30 cost spell has a 20% success rate.

To start with it feels like the success rate should be broadly consistent.

So having thought about this for a bit I’ve come up with the following:

  1. The Number of dice to roll:          2 x Mage Level (e.g. Level 3 Mage rolls 2×3 = 6 dice)
  2. Remove dice results that are the Mage Level and below (so a Level 3 Mage ignores results of 3,2,1)
  3. Sum up the results of the remaining dice
  4. If the sum is the same or greater than the spell cost it has been cast successfully

For a example a level 3 Mage is attempting to cast a spell costing 21.  The player rolls 6 dice and gets the following: 1, 3, 6, 5, 4, 6.  He removes the dices results 1,3 and adds up 6,5,4 and 7 to give a total of 21.  This matches the cost of the spell – the spell is therefore successfully cast.


Probabiltiy curve for casting spellsProbabiltiy curve for casting spells

Resulting probability curve.  Don’t know if making very high cost spells too easy to cast?

Its not perfect but its pretty good.

Scaled Probability CurveScaled Probability Curve

In the above chart I’ve scaled the Level 1 and Level 2 costs.  So Level 1 mage has had cost multiplied by 3.  Level 2 mage has had cost multiplied by 3/2.  So that the shapes can be compared.

This one shows that the shapes are reasonably consistent across the 3 mage levels.  Which is where I want to start from and then to find out whether globally that’s too high a success rate or whether its too easy for the higher level mages to cast really powerful spells or whatever

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