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Shadowspear to 5k Challenge

Shadowspear to 5k Challenge

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So close.....

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Wow, so chuffed that my MoP grabbed me a Golden Button award this month. Really made my bank holiday weekend and inspired me to put up some pictures of a couple of more ShadowSpear models from the Chaos side. I really can’t compliment these new chaos scuplts enough. They have been great fun to paint, first up the second Obliterator and Greater Possessed to complete both those sets.

So close.....
So close.....

These chaps were painted using the same mechanism as my previous models, using PP Coal Black as the first outline colour, with GW Kabalite Green as the edge highlight colour.

Next up a couple of the CSMs from the 10 man squad that you get with the boxed set. I am considering adding the transfers that GW give you in the set to these. Usually I am not a fan of the GW Chaos transfers, but the gold Chaos emblems might look great. I am going to finish off the next 8 CSM models in the box and then that only leaves me with the Daemon engine – nearly there!

So close.....
So close.....

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