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Bobs Fictional Countries

Bobs Fictional Countries

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The Volgan Army Grows

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 10

Last weekend managed to get another 8 vehicles done. Volgan Skulls added, just need a bit of sand weathering and garnishing(ment varnishing but not sure I prefer that a Garnished tank salad for John perhaps)  and finished

The Volgan Army Grows
The Volgan Army Grows

Having built the 1st of Mallots Marauders , a base coat of GW standard  Grey. Nice colour.

The Volgan Army Grows
The Volgan Army Grows

For anyone wondering about the Turntable it was built by my now deceased father , I have no idea what he intended for , but I found it in his work garage and have used it for base spraying ever since.

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bobcockaynetorrosoriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

@bobcockayne – I like the idea of using these minis in fictional wars. I mean, Team Yankee is a fictional war by definition, it’s not historical, so why not go all the way, “Lloydoslavia style?”

Cult of Games Member

No Bill Savage figure yet?

All looking good Bob

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