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Collins Does Scarif Table Build

Collins Does Scarif Table Build

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Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 6

Once the craters had finished printing I primed these in white and then roughly brushed on the soft hessian standard base colour for this project.

Once dry it was covered in the tail grout following the previously documented method.

Everything is all standard so far! well apart from the grout didn’t stick as well as it did to the MDF. I did two coats of watered down PVA for that. Bit of a pain as well because it then left a whitish residue on the craters which was very noticable.

The last thing I did to them which is different however was hit them with two types of weathering spray. Model Mates Dirty Yellow and Light Grey. This is to represent ‘glassed’ sand and explosion epicentres. It was a very very light dusting. not even half a squirt from the can!

IT was sealed using matt varnish afterwards so the model mates couldn’t be reactivated afterwards and ruin the effect.

the finished itemsthe finished items

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collinsDennis Cross Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I don’t believe I’ve ever seen Modlemates paint before. Is there a whole line of this?

(Of course I’m reading this first thing in the morning and maybe I’m experiencing morning fog on this subject)

The craters look very good.

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