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Painting Warploque Halflings

Painting Warploque Halflings

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Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
To highlight and bring the colour on the models back up I just used the same paints I'd originally painted them with.  I only painted the raised areas and did it very sparingly so it didn't stand out too much.  Rhe colours I worked on was the zandri dust and warboss green on their tabbards, a light brown on the raised areas of the gloves and hats and I used dawnstone on the grey hoods.To highlight and bring the colour on the models back up I just used the same paints I'd originally painted them with. I only painted the raised areas and did it very sparingly so it didn't stand out too much. Rhe colours I worked on was the zandri dust and warboss green on their tabbards, a light brown on the raised areas of the gloves and hats and I used dawnstone on the grey hoods.
I also went over the edges of the bases as while painting I rubbed alot off and you could see the primer underneith. I also went over the edges of the bases as while painting I rubbed alot off and you could see the primer underneith.
The final step will be the basing materials, namely foliage a grassThe final step will be the basing materials, namely foliage a grass

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Cult of Games Member

Even though there halflings I do like them

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