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40k Space Wolves & Daemons Boot Sale Bargain - Help Lawnor identify and fix please (Spring Cleaning)

40k Space Wolves & Daemons Boot Sale Bargain - Help Lawnor identify and fix please (Spring Cleaning)

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Soul Grinder - Metals

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
After everything was undercoated with black, the bulk of the Iron was painted with P3 Pig Iron.  The spine was painted with Vallejo Model Air 71.064 Chrome, and the feet and pistons were painted with Mission Models MMM-002 Cold Rolled Steel, for a darker iron.After everything was undercoated with black, the bulk of the Iron was painted with P3 Pig Iron. The spine was painted with Vallejo Model Air 71.064 Chrome, and the feet and pistons were painted with Mission Models MMM-002 Cold Rolled Steel, for a darker iron.
All the iron and steel was then washed with GW Nuln OilAll the iron and steel was then washed with GW Nuln Oil
The Spine was highlighted with more chrome, and everything else was highlighted with P3 Cold Steel.  Some of the black panels will need redoing after this and some of the red might need another glaize of red ink before I am done.  When my drybrush was as empty as I could get it, I gently rubbed the side of it against parts of the corners of the The Spine was highlighted with more chrome, and everything else was highlighted with P3 Cold Steel. Some of the black panels will need redoing after this and some of the red might need another glaize of red ink before I am done. When my drybrush was as empty as I could get it, I gently rubbed the side of it against parts of the corners of the "knee pads" to make them look a little worn.
The bronze was then painted using the same methods as for the Bloodthirster.  The black had to be redone afterwards.  I also painted the finger nails as I missed them while doing the horns.The bronze was then painted using the same methods as for the Bloodthirster. The black had to be redone afterwards. I also painted the finger nails as I missed them while doing the horns.

The teeth were then painted using the same methods as for the Bloodthirster.  Everything was then airbrush varnished gloss.  The blad was masked off and everythign was varnished matt.  The teeth and eyes werre then brushed over again with gloss.

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lawnorrayzryr Recent comment authors
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Nice work @lawnor or really like the red daemonic flesh you’ve produced on the Bloodthirster and this Soulgrinder

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