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Clearing my Backlog (Spring Cleaning Thread)

Clearing my Backlog (Spring Cleaning Thread)

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Gilneas will rise

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
Gilneas will rise

When I first started this project log my plan was to take on a bunch of small unrelated tasks, but in the end I’ve been focusing on my Space Crusade stuff for the most part. The Terminators and Scouts I ordered at the start of the month haven’t arrived yet, so before the challenge is over, I wanted to try something different.

I’ve had this amazing Onyx The Prowler since the days Confrontation was still in print. I love big, chunky, hungry werewolves and I think every game -fantasy or sci-fi- should come with a werewolves army (I’m looking at you, Age of Sigmar).

I did a terrible job assembling the model back in the day, so the first thing I had to do was break the mini apart and pin the pieces properly.

Gilneas will rise
Gilneas will rise
Gilneas will rise
Gilneas will rise

My plan is to use this guy in AoS, so I might replace that base in the future. As for a Warscroll, these rules for Forge World’s Skin Wolves seem like a good place to start.

Gilneas will rise

Now this is the end of the challege for me. I think I managed to complete a good amount of stuff. I know I’m not the best painter in town, but as long as my models look half decent, I’m a happy guy. Better finished than perfect!

What’s next for me? I definitely want to keep working on my Space Crusade and hopefully get a complete painted set one day, but that’s going to take a while. I’m also eager to throw that werewolf in an Age of Sigmar game, even if it’s just a small skirmish battle.

I had a great time sharing these with you and I hope you too made some progress with your own personal projects. See you next time guys. Back to lurking the site 😉

Everything I managed to complete through the challenge.Everything I managed to complete through the challenge.

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Cult of Games Member

Hello, your project has been randomly selected to be featured on the unofficial Hobby Hangout. We see you haven’t done anything here in a long time. Please continue this project! With kind regards, the local German.

Cult of Games Member

Good Evening and you have been visiting during the UHH.
Now isn’t high time you got the project updated again.
Lovely stuff by the way.

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