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47-38 Planetary Defense Force

47-38 Planetary Defense Force

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Warp Entities: Daemon Princes

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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It is funny to me that Be’lakor is the smallest of the set. I tried to make him extremely dark, using Stuart Semple Black 2.0. It was not as dark as I expected, so decided to highlight with P3 Coal Black then shade with GW Druchii Violet. I like the effect but the same steps didn’t look as good on the lesser demons.

He is vengeance. He is the night. He is not Konrad Curze, but looks very similar. I love the model but didn’t want to make a Night Lords force, so I demonized him. Unfortunately I lost one of his claws so had to improvise using Dark Eldar parts. The wings are from AoS Vampires.

Last things first. This was the first demon prince I made, way back in the mid 2000s. The base is the AdMech model from the old Inquisitor game. The wings are from the very old WHFB Bretonnia Unicorn. The right arm is his but the sword is from a demon prince, the left arm is a rat ogres. Finally the base is a rock I found that I drilled a brass rod into. This thing is all metal and rock and extremely heavy for its size. This is the only figure I did not paint. Credit goes to Zach Bowles of Man Beard Painting for the work.

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