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King's of War Giant

King's of War Giant

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Skin Tones

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Next step was the model itself, I started by undercoating him white.  The skin tones were next, based with Bugmans Glow Next step was the model itself, I started by undercoating him white. The skin tones were next, based with Bugmans Glow
I used Cadian Fleshtone to highlight but didn't want it too light so drybrushed it onI used Cadian Fleshtone to highlight but didn't want it too light so drybrushed it on
I highlighted the raised areas with Cadian Fleshtone to give it a little more definitionI highlighted the raised areas with Cadian Fleshtone to give it a little more definition
It was then time for the hair, I basecoated blackIt was then time for the hair, I basecoated black
And drybrushed a mid-greyAnd drybrushed a mid-grey

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