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Space Mouse Adventures and the proxy Necrons - spring cleaning

Space Mouse Adventures and the proxy Necrons - spring cleaning

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Custom bits and dice variant

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Custom bits and dice variant

Most of the cards in this game are a reasonable size however some are of far less reasonable size.

Chief offender is the activation deck. Each card has a single element on it a color paired with an icon.

It’s used to activate a space mouse or tigger the neckwrong.

It’s only 12 cards deep. Oh boy it’s both over sized and low count the worst kind of deck that you can put in someone’s hand to shuffle.

so I made thematic replacement tokens. T-800 robot skulls for the necron and colored mouse heads for the space mice.

I also made a set of small tiles that can optionally replace the single die rolls in the game. There are 4x tiles of numbers 1-6. When you would roll a die now you draw a tile instead.

Dice and luck are great for most games but as solo games go chaos makes it harder to know if your overall skill is improving or if you just had a lucky game.

This version keeps the tension of unknown results but ensures each game has roughly equal luck.

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Sooo…. what’s the status? Can we get more info on this and your conversion work? Please?

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