8th Army Indian Infantry
Carry on regardless
Hello again. At last I found time to get something finished and it was/is something that I’m a little excited about. First of all (even though I play British forces of other kind) I built my first universal carrier and secondly I painted it up in the iconic Caunter camo scheme of the early stages of the conflict in the Western Desert.
Beforehand I did some intense research on the interwebs figuring out which version to build for my 1941 Sikh Army (MkI or MkII?) how to do the camo scheme and most essentially answering the “one” question:…What are the “right” colors to use??? The latter I solved in a rather practical manner by ordering the Caunter camo paint set by AK (as I mentioned in an earlier post) and that…at least imho really did the job. As I do not own an airbrush I did all the painting in the ol’ fashioned way of brushing the paint on. The colors are a tad bit too thin for that technique, I would say so at least, but are very well pigmented and that – in the end – left me quite satisfied with the result. Now without further ado here is my MkI universal carrier with Sikh crew and two LMGs.
What’s best about this piece of my army being finished is, that I have the first 500 points of my list ready for action on the tabletop:-)…list will follow soon.
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