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Adventures in Burrows & Badgers

Adventures in Burrows & Badgers

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E. Stoatbart Haulage Company (Part 2)

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 5
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I didn't intend to paint six stoats in two days but here we areI didn't intend to paint six stoats in two days but here we are

I picked up the stoats where I left off; looking a bit paint-light and with suspiciously red tunics.

First step was to apply some orange as a layer but this turned out to be a heavy contrast from the red which didn’t work very well.

To remedy that I applied the orange as s fresh layer with only the very deepest recesses showing any of the red base underneath. Then a casadora yellow wash over that. I used it more like a glaze and it warmed the orange nicely.

Since I decided in my infinite wisdom to paint all six at once I avoided the fur until a bit later which made for quite the bizarre order of operations. I ended up painting the clothes then the metals then the darker leathers then the fur and wood.

I’ve really enjoyed painting this set and hopefully we’ll have a go at the included scenario this week!

Hang on wait, the metal then the wood underneath it?

Yeah… I didn’t think that through.

As an observation I used a lot of reikland flesh shade on these minis and it’s so much less intense than my bottle of flesh wash that is still going strong.

Many a time with the flesh wash I’ve annihilated layers where the pigment sticks to everything rather than settling in the details, making the whole thing brown, but the new wash works really nicely.

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