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Brush With Death 2019 Entry

Brush With Death 2019 Entry

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Final Photos! Diorama Complete! *excited, exhausted screams of triumph*

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
Final Photos!  Diorama Complete! *excited, exhausted screams of triumph*
Final Photos!  Diorama Complete! *excited, exhausted screams of triumph*

It’s done!  This project took me over three months to complete – the first entry of this project blog was 30 January!  Definitely my longest project to date!  Mistakes were made, successes were had, and new things were tried!  I’m really happy with the results and proud of myself for not giving up!

It will be a while before I do another diorama project – they definitely take stamina!  In the meantime, though, I’d like to thank Mantic Games for hosting the competition that pushed me into giving it a go, OnTableTop for bringing it to my attention, and my SO for not getting angry about all the foam bits scattered around the living room.

Also, thank you for reading!  Hopefully the entries were entertaining and maybe contained some things that will save you time on YOUR projects!

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baronvonuppercasezebraoutriderSquirrellordShredhead Recent comment authors
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Looks awesome! Best of luck in the competition!


Huzzah, just saw the results on the blog, massive congratulations on the win.

Cult of Games Member

Great inspiration. Great end product. Deserves an award for patience and effort with water effects alone. ?

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