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Collins Does Scarif Table Build

Collins Does Scarif Table Build

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Ground Foliage

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7

I feel that the ground foliage on these pieces is the best part and it is super simple.

Using the smaller drill bit I drilled holes in the debris areas, never on the sand, and not always in all of the debris areas. Sometimes I would drill closely together and sometimes just one on its own. The reason for the overall relative sparseness was that I had previously bunched it very closely for the Yavin IV build and found that although it looked good it made for naff terrain. im hoping that this rectifies it, only time will tell.

Once the holes were predrilled I snipped a load of foliage from the garden balls and dry fitted them to see how it looked. Lichen was shredded into smaller pieces and stuffed in aswell.

When I was happy I then broke out the epoxy and glued all the trees, foliage and lichen down in one go.

The reason I used epoxy for this build rather than the safer hot glue was because I found the Yavin IV build to not be as durable as I wanted, some foliage bits have come away and had to be glued again. Im hoping the drilled holes and epoxy really make these pieces bomb proof.

close up of the foliageclose up of the foliage
the whole lot together, looks effective but missing somethingthe whole lot together, looks effective but missing something

The final thing I did was to add some lime green static grass tufts. These come from the citadel range. not the cheapest around but easily available, and more importantly, I had them to hand!

note the bush on its own to the left and the tuffs randomly just on the sand but not in walkwaysnote the bush on its own to the left and the tuffs randomly just on the sand but not in walkways

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collinsDennis Cross Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Well done! I like those vegetation clumps. Really look good.

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