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Collins Does Scarif Table Build

Collins Does Scarif Table Build

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The Making! Part 2

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Once the tile grout was dry it was predictably, rock hard. I am hoping that this makes it super durable and will help with the next stages.

Using neat PVA I put down my tree debris areas on the bases. Theses were concentrated on top of the hill areas so to accommodate the drilling for the pegs of the trees.

Once PVA was where I wanted, I dumped a load of mixed herbs on it. This came from a catering pack from The Range for like £2. Cheap and simple. Once on I pushed hard on them to make sure they made a good bond with the PVA and grout.

Then after that had dried, for some reason I decided to spray it again with watered PVA. I’m sure I had a good reason, I just cannot remember why. Possibly to minimise the herb smell. This had an unforeseen side effect. It leached the green of the herbs onto the grout. I kitchen towelled most of this up and now only a little remains around it, im now claiming that it was a good idea and I totally planned it as it makes the sand look a little more interesting and stained from a storm knocking about debris and stuff. Yup, not a cock up, a deliberate artistic choice!

All herbed up! smells greatAll herbed up! smells great

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Cult of Games Member

Looking good. That tree debris is great.

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