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Collins Does Scarif Table Build

Collins Does Scarif Table Build

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YouTube Terrain Research

Tutoring 5
Skill 2
Idea 7
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There are a lot of people on YouTube who are truly craftsmen (or women, people?) and I have lost many many hours of my life watching their content (a bit like those numptys OnTableTop).

The two people who I have taken inspiration from for this project are The Terrain Tutor and Lukes APS. Both of these are different and yet remarkably similar. They both strive for realism and excellent quality but I feel that Luke’s methods are much quicker than Mel’s detailed traditional methods. Both are well worth a watch and I shall be shamelessly ripping them both off equally in this project log.

I used a lot of Mel’s ideas for my Yavin IV table build and will do so again because I still have some materials left over from that, herbs, mdf, plastic plants etc. It is hoped that this can keep the cost down as I will invariably have to buy that awesome mat we found!

Videos I was Inspired by!

As you can see from the videos above. Luke’s methodology is quick, simple but still gives excellent results. Mel really does go to town on his (personal) project and the results are amazing. I just don’t want to go to that level really. I plan to land squarely in the middle.

Use Luke’s grout method and then half of Mel’s ground cover methods.

Now, to the workstation!

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