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Elessar2590's 3D Models (FoW Bases Update)

Elessar2590's 3D Models (FoW Bases Update)

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Cheval de Frise

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
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I did a bit of searching on Thingyverse for some generic Black Powder terrain and couldn’t find any cheval de frise so decided to make my own.

A cheval de frise is basically a log with a bunch of spikes on it that was the anti Cavalry fortification of choice for everyone from the Romans (who had a more portable version that was essentially the same thing) to the trenches of WWI.

ACW Era Cheval de FriseACW Era Cheval de Frise
WWII Pacific Era Cheval de FriseWWII Pacific Era Cheval de Frise
The Ready to Print 3D ModelsThe Ready to Print 3D Models
Cheval de Frise

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Cult of Games Member

Awesome work on the field works @elessar2590 !!! 🙂

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