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Shadowspear to 5k Challenge

Shadowspear to 5k Challenge

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A man Posessed

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 3

So I have been pretty busy these past few weeks working on the Chaos part of the Shadow Spear boxset. I have decided to paint them Black Legion, as per the box as I have a huge love of Abaddon and his background. I decided to put a bit of a Blue/Green highlight on my models though, which is a change from the default grey highlights.

First up are the Greater Possessed, for their daemoney bits I went with a Rakarth Flesh washed with Carroburg Crimson and was pretty happy with how the Red went with the Black/Green/Gold.

A man Posessed
A man Posessed
A man Posessed

Next up is the Master of Possession with his great balls of fire.

(Happy Star Wars day to all)

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Good luck with this – your title really made me laugh!

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