British v French Again, and this time characters GO DOWN!
Okay, so @damon and I had another great game of Darkstar on Saturday. Again, we’re looking at my French vs. Damon’s British. In addition to the successful running of Darkstar on line and another great game, we’re also expanding our playtesting more and more into successful execution of SCENARIO based play, instead of just pointed-up mash-ups. Last time we had a “dock and rescue” mission, this time we’re trying convoy escort.
Forces are the same last time (no ships were lost permanently last time, and again, we’re just trying a new scenario model).
French (New Roman Alliance):
- NRS Leclerc (Foch-Hispaniola class light cruiser – upgraded)
- NRS Corsica (Milan II class destroyer – upgraded)
- NRS Calais (Milan II class destroyer – upgraded)
- HMS Bellerophon (Trafalgar class heavy cruiser)
- HMS Indefatigable (Indomitable class light cruiser- upgraded)
- HMS Terpsichore (modified Falklands-Commonwealth class destroyer)

Sound like a great game between @oriskany and @damon
Definitely a wild one @rasmus. I thought I had this one in the bag when @damon made that initial approach. Arrrggh! If only I had ROLLED the Leclerc!
Great game, was getting a bit worried about being beaten by the French so well played Damon.
Thanks, @gremlin! That’s twice now my French have come soooo close – actually last game I managed to steal a campaign draw. I have a Contessa-class light carrier I’m adding to the task force that might finally give me the win. 🙂
A great read! One of those battles when a single mistake cost you a win @oriskany
Thanks @yavasa. Hey, I can’t even blame the dice on this one. Made a blatant mistake and @Damon saw it. Well played! 🙂
Another good game that I nearly threw away with a dumb first move, must have had a brain fart to think that the French wouldn’t jump all over a chance to hit my six on turn one, I was lucky the ‘Indy’ didn’t explode. Losing shields on ‘Billy’ meant I had to go on the defensive when I should have been attacking, I think Jim’s mistake with his unshielded cruiser was the only thing that gave me back a chance. To stay on mission I think I should have rushed the transports with both cruisers, done as much damage as… Read more »
Yeah, @damon – my biggest fear there at the end of Turn 2 was that you might think I was “throwing” the game with that Leclerc roll. I assure you I was not. When I’m teaching someone a game I don’t mind tossing them some “soft pitch” games to get them started. But you are well past that point when it comes to Darkstar. 😀 I think I have my replacement ship for NRS Calais, a slightly upgraded Contessa-class light carrier. Actually, this was the fourth ship in the task force (as a frigate) but now I have kicked up… Read more »
Another great game, looking forward to seeing more engagements like this.
Thanks, @muakhah – I was a little off the grid this weekend but next weekend we should be back in the swing of things with more weekend wargaming. I’m sure someone will request Darkstar! 😀