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Painting a  Magi-Rashaar

Painting a Magi-Rashaar

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Laying out the base colors

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Laying out the base colors

After I primed the mini corax white, I move up the add the base colors.

  1. I start off with the hood/collar in deathworld forest. (citadel paints)
  2. The cloth and boots I did in incubic darkness (citadel paints)
  3. The armour will have a brass like color and its base is baltasar gold (citadel paints)
  4. For the pants I start off with a base off oak brown (army painter)
  5. On the armour are two shells that I did in mummy robes white (army painter)
  6. There also 3 carnevale Ducats (coins) on the mini. I  choose to do them not in the same color as the armour but more gold-like. The base therefor is retributor armour (citadel paints)

I wait for the staff till I am sure about the colors. I wanted to look like coral. But I am not sure how to do that.

Laying out the base colors
Laying out the base colors

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