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Wolf Lord Warzan and his Spring Clean

Wolf Lord Warzan and his Spring Clean

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Not too much to report

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I have been waiting on some transfers to arrive so that I can complete the terminators, so they have been added tonight with micro sol and set…


More than I thought turned up.. More than I thought turned up..

I have started on the 4 miscellaneous squad leaders as well as a couple of colours added to the fist pack of power armoured Wolf Guard.


A small addition, and in fitting with current studio basing methods …

With the banner making him quite top heavy, I thought some added weight would help keeping his feet on the ground.


I will be showing the finished terminators and progressing on the wolf guard squad tomorrow. I have a rough timeline I want to stick to so that I can get everything done by the deadline.

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