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Spring Cleaning... with FYRE

Spring Cleaning... with FYRE

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Magma creatures

Tutoring 8
Skill 5
Idea 6
No Comments

So worked the magma creatures this weekend. It’s hard to tell because of the color, but I sprayed them with textured spray paint prior to priming to give them a rough texture that was more like volcanic rock. The original plastic figs were very smooth. I used poster putty to cover the eyes and mouth so they didn’t get textured.

I also wanted to tie them in with the dwarves a little more, so used green stuff to add a few additional rocks to their skin that had runes inscribed into them. I’m not the greatest at GS, but I think it came out ok.

painting was:

1) basecoated black

2) Heavy drybrushed green grey (Vallejo)

3) drybrushed neutral grey (Vallejo)

4) light drybrush medium sea grey (Vallejo)

Any dark/medium/light grey would work, I just had these ones from my K47 Finns.


Green stuff runesGreen stuff runes
Front view with dry brushing.Front view with dry brushing.
Rear view with dry brushing. Just realized in this picture they appear to be holding hands.Rear view with dry brushing. Just realized in this picture they appear to be holding hands.

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