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Adventures in Burrows & Badgers

Adventures in Burrows & Badgers

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Sweep and Agatha: Mice extraordinaire

Tutoring 2
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Sweep's breastplate looks really brown but it's definitely silver in real lifeSweep's breastplate looks really brown but it's definitely silver in real life

For these two (Sweep on the left and Agatha on the right) I focused on getting nice effects on their cloaks and shields. I’d been struggling a bit when models had larger flatter areas so a shield, while small, provided a good practice for that.

The mouse shieldmaiden is one of my favourites in the range so I especially wanted to paint her up well for my warband.

Sweep again! the light has hit a bit of wash and made it look like I missed a bit!Sweep again! the light has hit a bit of wash and made it look like I missed a bit!

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