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Man Cave Creation - Spring Cleaning lovefest

Man Cave Creation - Spring Cleaning lovefest

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Cracking on with the job

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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“Oi ladz time to get your working elbows on!”

“Nah boss I just put my gaming elbows on”

“I just want to sleep boss”



The story continues with day 1 of effort so step one was easy take all the stuff out of the room and pray the weather gods are on your side.


Step two was meant to be paint the walls but we’ll turns out they where quite dirty so I grabbed the garden broom covered my mouth (I like my lungs) and boomed the walls and ceiling, several single combats later with the spiders and surviving a cavalry charge of their lesser kin.

Now to paint the walls white, white for 2 reason to make the room brighter and more spacious and well I have a bucket of white paint and no never will a paint anything magnolia ever again!

Next was the little shelf, so out comes the white gloss to basically cover the dirt and pretend nothing was ever their mwhaha.

After this came the stealth mission to aquire to hoover of cleanlines +3 from the great beast (the wife) and return it (emptied). With this success I had to go on an adventure to acquire a set of black steel shelves and my black trunk and then the brood started making demand so I had to chuck everything back in the cave.


So future plans, I need a hobby and gaming foldable table, some more shelves on the wall and some man cave worthy art on the walls.

So in all this day can be considered a victory

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