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22 years in the making

22 years in the making

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One brush to rule them all

Tutoring 0
Skill 2
Idea 9

So in September 1997 I bought my first White Dwarf (#21 of the German WD) and shortly after that I bought the “Citadel Colour Paint Set” which came with one Warhammer Fantasy Chaos Knight, one Warhammer 40.000 Space Marine and brush.

Like any young, impatient lad (I was 22 at the time) I glued them together and started painting. I had the paints, the brush and no clue on how to do this. I remember priming the miniatures by painting them white with the brush and then applying all paints unthinned and poorly shaken.

But the miniatures are of a simple design and take the paint easily and make the novice painter that I was feel good.

Oh, I think I saw those elves just… this weekend? Haven’t I @warzan? 😉

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sundancerwarzan Recent comment authors
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You sure did lol

Awesome project mate!

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