Getting Started with Adeptus Titanicus...
Whats in the box...
First off, lets crack the seal and open the box…
I meant to pick up a copy of the grand Master edition the first time round but I missed out due to limited stocks and not being fast enough. Second time round I got my hands on one of two copies that my local store got in.
I debated taking a photo and sharing down each layer but, A. I don’t really know what I’m doing and how to work all this out yet so bear with me, B. There are plenty of unboxings out there if anyone wants to have a gander.
One of my 40k armies is an imperial knight army for House Terryn so they were the easy choice for one half of the set, I just needed a traiter side next…
After throwing the question out to a group of friends, House Devine was chosen.
So lets start with the building (and magnetising) and see if I can work out the next entry tomorrow or so…
Welcome to a whole new world 🙂
Cheers, hopefully uploading yesterdays progress in a few mins 🙂