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Spring Cleaning - A-bad'un the Bit-smaller

Spring Cleaning - A-bad'un the Bit-smaller

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The new paint job

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 7
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With the pose adjusted, it's time to start painting. Started off with a MIG grey primer then base coated all of the dark areas with 2 coats of thinned Abaddon black (quite fitting really) After stripping the model back i didn't want to loose detail by putting on thick layers of paint.With the pose adjusted, it's time to start painting. Started off with a MIG grey primer then base coated all of the dark areas with 2 coats of thinned Abaddon black (quite fitting really) After stripping the model back i didn't want to loose detail by putting on thick layers of paint.
One of the problems with metal miniatures is that the paint easily rubs off corners and edges where they are handled, the best way to avoid this is to drill some small holes at the bottom of the miniature (usually the feet or somewhere which isn't going to be visible and then glue in two pins or metal rods, once they are secure you can fit the model to a cork for easy handling. Once Abaddon was secure i went round the mini and base coated all of the gold trim in Balthasar Gold followed by a wash of Agrax EarthshadeOne of the problems with metal miniatures is that the paint easily rubs off corners and edges where they are handled, the best way to avoid this is to drill some small holes at the bottom of the miniature (usually the feet or somewhere which isn't going to be visible and then glue in two pins or metal rods, once they are secure you can fit the model to a cork for easy handling. Once Abaddon was secure i went round the mini and base coated all of the gold trim in Balthasar Gold followed by a wash of Agrax Earthshade
His hair and selected armour sections were base coated in Mephiston Red and then washed with Carroburg CrimsonHis hair and selected armour sections were base coated in Mephiston Red and then washed with Carroburg Crimson
To finish base coating i did his tabbard (crotch robe) in Eshin grey, his head in Ionrach Skin and the Skull in Zandri Dust, followed by the appropriate wash, Nuln Oil for the tabbard, Reikland Fleshshade for the skin and Agrax Earthsahde for the skull.To finish base coating i did his tabbard (crotch robe) in Eshin grey, his head in Ionrach Skin and the Skull in Zandri Dust, followed by the appropriate wash, Nuln Oil for the tabbard, Reikland Fleshshade for the skin and Agrax Earthsahde for the skull.
After applying all the base colours i re-constructed Abaddon with his power talon fitted in a different pose and went about adding the highlights to each colour - Black areas were highlighted in Dark Reaper, Red areas with Evil Sunz Scarlet and Wild Rider red, The gold areas done with Sycorax Bronze, skin was layered up with Deepkin Flesh and highlighted with Pallid Witch Flesh and the skull layered with Ushabti Bone and Sreaming Skull.After applying all the base colours i re-constructed Abaddon with his power talon fitted in a different pose and went about adding the highlights to each colour - Black areas were highlighted in Dark Reaper, Red areas with Evil Sunz Scarlet and Wild Rider red, The gold areas done with Sycorax Bronze, skin was layered up with Deepkin Flesh and highlighted with Pallid Witch Flesh and the skull layered with Ushabti Bone and Sreaming Skull.

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